Paul-Émile Borduas introduced Riopelle and his artist friends to André Breton’s surrealist movement and its principles of avoiding imitation and letting go of preconceived notions. Games were one of the ways surrealist artists came up with new ideas. One such game, of their own invention, was called exquisite corpse: a game that combines drawing and writing. As we well know, Jean Paul loved nature and animals. There is a long list of animals that can be found in his body of work.
Take a look at the Riopelle Bestiary (link to come), which lists all of the animals found in Riopelle’s works. Choose an animal from among those in the bestiary and keep it secret for now.
In order to pay homage to Jean Paul’s connection to the surrealist movement, here’s an invitation to create an exquisite corpse that looks like a mutant: part animal, part plant and part human.
To fully understand the game, read all the instructions.